‘Rocabarraigh, a phantom island in Scottish Gaelic myth, will appear three times, the last being at the end of the world.’ September 28, 2022 2:02 pm

Time & Location
21 Oct 2022, 18:00 BST – 29 Oct 2022, 18:00 BST
French Street, French St, Glasgow, UK
About the event
Market Gallery is delighted to present ‘Rocabarraigh’, a solo exhibition by Glasgow-based artist Thomas Abercromby, featuring a new film work of the same name. The film focuses on the small uninhabitable granite islet of Rockall and its overlooked history as the last territorial expansion of the United Kingdom.
The exhibition explores the history of the islet’s annexation in 1955 and subsequent occupation by climate activists in 1997, bringing to the fore environmental activists’ efforts from our recent past while drawing links to the current climate emergency. Rocabarraigh investigates the relationships between imperialism, sovereignty and ecological collapse, using this unique Scottish site to articulate a new perspective on the climate change movement.
‘Rocabarraigh’ will run until Saturday the 29th of October.
French Street is an accessible venue.
*Opening night Friday 21st 6-9pm*
French Street is an accessible venue.
Opening hours:
weekdays 2 - 6pm and 11 - 5pm on
weekends 11am - 5pm
Supported by Creative Scotland, Covepark and Taigh Chearsabhagh